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Quinn was an emergency rescue. On June 30, 2023, a Facebook friend of mine reached out to me because she saw a live post from Bowie Texas Livestock showing a truck full of horses shipping to slaughter. Quinn, a Belgian Draft horse and one other horse could not fit on the truck because it was overfull. I emediately contacted Bowie to find out the cost of his bail. From the video he seemed to be a well behaved horse, looked healthy except he had a swollen back left leg.


I created a YouTube video right away so we could raise the funds we needed to save this beautiful boy from a horrible ending. With all of your amazing support we were able to raise the funds needed for bail, transport and medical. The other horse that could not fit on the truck was already rescued. We paid his bail and the next day Cory and I went to Bowie Texas Livestock and picked him up.


Quinn was super sweet and gentle. We headed straight to Mobile Veterinary Practice on the way home to have his leg checked out. Dr. Waggoner checked his leg with x-rays, did a physical overall exam and bloodwork. The x-rays showed his leg was inflammation and nothing was broken or injured. Dr Waggoner explained this condition to be Cellulitis. This condition can be a relatively common and frustrating condition affecting the limbs of horses. The condition results from inflammation and infection of the subcutaneous tissues that lie beneath the skin. It commonly affects only one limb at a time and is most likely in the hind end. Quinns bloodwork showed that he did not have an infection but his liver enzymes were elevated. We went home that day with medicine for pain and inflammation called Previcox along with some vitamin E to help his liver enzymes. 


Quinn is enjoying life so far on the farm. He loves his AlfaPro and grazing in the pasture. After doing some research about Cellulitis, I found that equine acupuncture was benificial and helped with draining the lymphatic system. We started Quinn on acupuncture at the end of July and we have already seen improvement! 


Quinn's start to his life on our farm is documented on our farms YouTube channel. 


Last Update: August 2023

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501c3 Non Profit Organization 

EIN# 92-0618011

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