Are you interested in rescuing a kill-pen horse and giving them a loving home?
The horses previously rescued and shown on this site are living out the rest of their lives here at the Big Hoof Foundation. All the rescued horses here at the Big Hoof Foundation will be apart of an Equine Therapy Program for people with disabilities or PTSD. Our foundation is in the process of setting this program up.
However, there are countless lives that still need to be saved. Everyday horses are shipped out of the United States to Canada or Mexico to be slaughtered for meat and sold overseas for human consumption. Unwanted and abandoned horses end up in kill-pens which are holding areas for horses until they are shipped to slaughter. Some horses at these locations are healthy while others are sick and need medical attention. These horses face a grim end. Most endure abuse and starvation in the transport over the border before facing a cruel and inhumane death.
If you are interested in saving one of these horses from slaughter, please reach out to us for an adoption application. When a horse you are looking for arrives at a kill pen we will notify you as soon as possible.
Along with the application the following items are required...
Required Photos:
(1) Driver’s License
(2) Shelter
(3) Area where horse will reside
(4) Fencing
**If shelter, area, fencing are deemed inadequate or problematic, may cause application request to be denied or placed on hold. Additionally, approval may be denied because of geographical location as we do not have the financial ability to transport to distant locations.